Almost There: How To Handle A Few Pre-Closing Hiccups
Once the owner has accepted your offer, you are in the final stretch. Before you are handed your keys, though, several pieces have to fall into place. Read below and find out more about how to handle a few pre-closing hiccups when purchasing a single-family home.
It's Called Due Diligence For a Reason
Depending on your unique situation, you may only have a few weeks to get a lot of things done. You will need to buy homeowners' insurance, have the home appraised, hire a home inspector, and apply for a mortgage. Take a look at what might go wrong and how to cope with it quickly and efficiently.
The Inspection Results Were Disappointing
No home is perfect, so don't get upset about minor issues like a cracked windowpane or water stains from repaired leaks. Cosmetic issues can be easily addressed. More troubling, though are major and expensive things like foundation, plumbing, electrical, and other problems. If the home has massive issues and the seller won't lower the price or agree to make the repairs, it might be time to walk away from the deal and move forward with another home. Count on your real estate agent to negotiate things with the seller, though, before you cancel the contract.
You Are Unsure of Your Financing
A loan that seemed to be a sure thing may not be so sure after all. When financing issues arise, it's often due to the applicant's behavior during the due diligence period. To make sure your loan is secure, avoid the following:
- Making large (over about $500.00) purchases
- Taking out a new credit card or loan
- Changing jobs or positions
- Being late on any bill payments
Damaged Homes
A lot can happen between the inspection and your final walk-through. Unfortunately, homes can fall prey to the following before you have a chance to take ownership:
- Fire, floods, and other natural disasters
- Vagrants and thieves
- Broken pipes and water damage
- Pest invasions
The owner of the home is entirely responsible for anything that occurs before the closing date. If you discover issues right before closing, you might have to reschedule.
When a Great Rate Expires
Interest rates have expiration dates, but they are usually generous enough to allow for several weeks of delays with closing issues like the ones above. Keep watch on the date your rate expires and stay in close contact with both your lender and your real estate agent as the date approaches.
Fortunately, real estate agents have seen all of the above happen and more, and they know just what to do to get things on track again. To find out more, speak to your real estate agent today.