Apartment Living: Use Natural Cleaning Agents This Spring Cleaning Season

As the weather starts to warm up, so does the urge to get a start on your spring cleaning. There are few things that feel as great as a clean apartment that is full of sunshine with all of the windows wide open. If you use natural cleaning products instead of your run of the mill, chemical cleaning agents from your local department store, you apartment will smell even better. Read More 

Love Your Wallpaper? Why You Must Get Rid Of It To Sell Your Home

You've done a lot of work in your home making it a place where you and your family can live and relax. You have your own tastes where design is concerned. But if you've put up wallpaper and want to sell your home, take it down before you show it. This guide explains why even the greatest looking wallpaper can be a deal breaker as potential buyers walk through. Wall Trends Change Frequently Read More 

Retiring With No Savings? 3 Tips For Living On Social Security

If you'll finance most or all of your retirement with Social Security benefits, you're not alone. In fact, Social Security comprises 90 percent of the incomes of nearly one-quarter of married seniors and almost half of single ones, according to SeniorLiving.org. There's no getting around the fact that you'll need to budget carefully and live frugally. However, there are things you can do to help make up for lack of retirement savings. Read More 

Making Your Home Stand Out To Buyers With Professional Certificates

Preparing to sell your home (through outlets such as Cates Auction) can be a huge learning experience. Buyers look at many things in addition to the appearance of a home when considering making an offer. They wonder if they'll need to put a lot of money into the place shortly after closing. This guide explains how you can eliminate some of the anxiety that buyers feel by scheduling certain inspections and having certificates on hand to show them the major items in the home are in great working order. Read More 

Making Your Home Attractive To Potential Buyers

With so many homes for sale at any given time, you need to make sure that your home stands out from the competition. In order to do this, you must make sure that your home is in the best shape possible when potential buyers come to view it. Here are a few things you can do to get your home in tip top shape. Pack Away Personal Items While personal mementos may have a special meaning to you, they can interfere with a potential buyer's ability to visualize your home as their own. Read More