Building Your Dream Home? What To Consider When It Comes To Buying Land

Are you buying land for your home? You're wanting to build your dream home, but you don't know what lot of land is best. After all, empty lots all look relatively the same to you and it's hard to envision how your new home will look once it's placed on its permanent foundation. Here are things you should consider when you look for land for your home building process. You will be able to find land for sale with your realtor, who will assist you in choosing the best land for your new home. Read More 

What To Ask A Potential Property Management Company

Do you have rental properties that are taking up too much of your time each week? If so, you may be looking into a property management company to take care of the bulk of the work for you. Before you sign an agreement with a property management company, here are some questions you'll want to ask. Who Sets the Cost of Rent? Property management companies make a profit by taking a percentage of the rent of each tenant that they manage. Read More 

Buying A Home? 3 Reasons To Opt For New Home, Instead Of An Existing One

New construction homes make up a surprisingly small portion of the total real estate market. In fact, recent statistics show that only 510,000 of the 5.25 million homes sold in 2015 were newly built. But even though existing homes make up the lion's share of the market, there are some very good reasons to opt for a new one, instead.  New homes can offer a more move-in ready experience  No matter how perfect an existing home may seem, most buyers still end up making changes to the house before they move in or shortly after doing so. Read More 

3 Important Questions To Ask Before Buying A Lakefront Property

Pristine views, easy access to the water, and perfect entertaining–lakefront properties are some of the most desirable properties on the real estate market. If you have your eye on one of these properties for yourself, you are probably elated about making it your own. However, buying a lakefront property should come with careful consideration, as these are not your typical homes in a regular neighborhood. There are some things that you should ask about a listed lake-side home before you decide you want to make an offer. Read More 

Obtaining A VA Mortgage With A Spouse As Co-Borrower

A married veteran can include a spouse as a co-borrower when obtaining a VA mortgage to buy a home. The spouse does not have to be a veteran. If the spouse is a veteran, the spouse may choose whether or not to use their own VA loan eligibility. As a result, a married veteran has several options available when deciding how to apply for a VA loan. If you and your spouse are both eligible veterans, the loan limit for a VA mortgage is not doubled. Read More